Daekyeong Triple Vision
In modern society, people have busy schedules
everyday under the fixed frame and they can’t find
time to spare easily in their lives. People hope to
design their living spaces comfortably and beautiful-
ly as the time to spare is decreasing. The interest in
interior is also increasing thanks to it.
Daekyeong Triple is the company to make unique
and creative fabric focusing on the new developent
through research and study. It was founded as
Kyeongnam Blind in 1991 and since then, we have
produced many new goods with high quality and
have high market share in Korea and also it
becomes popular in foreign markets.
We use the various kinds of fabrics for efficiency
and manufacture fabric which can be applied prop-
erly into each space. We have specialty in making
fancy material fabrics such as Triple shade, Lohas
and Combi as well as the general product,
Rollscreen. We always try to satisfy customers
100% with excellent designs and technologies
based on the accumulated knowhow.
We will be always in your mind as your lifetime part-
ner. You can experience it in Daekyeong Triple. I ask
you to show us much interest and care.
Thank you very much.